Thursday, December 27, 2012
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Friday, November 30, 2012
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Black Moms Are Raising Volume on Breastfeeding | Womens eNews
There is no question that when it comes to nutrition, breast milk is the best thing a mother can give her newborn.
Black Moms Are Raising Volume on Breastfeeding | Womens eNews
Black Moms Are Raising Volume on Breastfeeding | Womens eNews
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Today...Its OK to Be a Quitter
Most people who know me knows I am one who says a quitter never wins...but today being a quitter makes you a winner.
The Great American Smokeout | American Cancer Society
The Great American Smokeout | American Cancer Society
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Stomach Cancer
Stomach cancer is a type of cancer that is generally one that slowly develops over time. November is Stomach Cancer Awareness Month...take some time to educate yourself more about it
Stomach Cancer
Stomach Cancer
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Back in the day...a phone was just that...a phone
You've seen it...someone walking down the street and all of a sudden they disappear..they have fallen into the open man hole..OK...perhaps not that tragic..but no matter where you go there are lots of folks aimlessly walking and texting...paying absolutely no attention to what lies ahead. What happened to the good old days when a phone was just that...a phone. Read how teen pedestrian injuries are on the rise.
Put down the phone and walk! Teen pedestrian injuries on rise
Put down the phone and walk! Teen pedestrian injuries on rise
Thursday, September 27, 2012
A Plan for better outcomes of the homeless and uninsured post hospitalization
Contrary to what one of our Presidential candidates think is the answer for the uninsured this article discusses the issue and a plan that could produce a better outcome.
It Takes a Village :: Article - The Hospitalist
It Takes a Village :: Article - The Hospitalist
Monday, September 10, 2012
More than just a problem of who will pay...but will you be able to be seen
First I want to say this is not about whether I am for or against health care reform, but for those who are curious, I believe everyone has a right to access care. Today, September 10th, I tried to make an appointment for a problem a family member was experiencing, though not an emergency, I felt it was something that warranted being attended to timely. This was not a new patient appointment but a follow-up to a problem that had occurred the previous year, so I am thinking I would be able to get an appointment within a couple weeks. When the young lady on the other end of the phone so calmly told me October 24th, I of course was dumbfounded. I politely said to her that my comment to follow had no reflection on her because I realized she was doing her job but it things like this that are one of the reasons that the emergency rooms around this country are full of non-emergencies. Why would anyone concerned about their health wait almost six weeks to be seen? Even, I, who is so much against folks using the emergency room as a source of primary care, would instead of waiting six weeks, go to my nearest emergency room. So I say, America, we have a real problem -There are just not enough doctors to go around for everyone to be seen. Health Care Bill: Will Newly Insured Be Able To Find Doctors? - ABC News
It has become increasingly important that we all being to take personal responsibility for our own health. The preventive health model is a huge step towards doing so. We can no longer rely on waiting till something happens (such as a stroke) before we take action (monitoring our blood pressure, watching our calories, getting off our couches).
I don't claim to have the answers but one thing is for sure...we all need to begin to look around at what is coming and what some possible solutions could be (A PLAN) before it hits the fan.
It has become increasingly important that we all being to take personal responsibility for our own health. The preventive health model is a huge step towards doing so. We can no longer rely on waiting till something happens (such as a stroke) before we take action (monitoring our blood pressure, watching our calories, getting off our couches).
I don't claim to have the answers but one thing is for sure...we all need to begin to look around at what is coming and what some possible solutions could be (A PLAN) before it hits the fan.
Saturday, September 8, 2012
Have a Question for a Physician? There’s an App for That | Highlight HEALTH 2.0
More than ever before, it is important to take an active role in your healthcare. Mobile apps are becoming a great tool to help accomplish this.
Have a Question for a Physician? There’s an App for That | Highlight HEALTH 2.0
Have a Question for a Physician? There’s an App for That | Highlight HEALTH 2.0
Children and cholesterol screening
Learn more on this topic and the recommendations being made by the National Academy of Pediatrics.
September: National Cholesterol Education Month - TODAY'S TMJ4
September: National Cholesterol Education Month - TODAY'S TMJ4
Learn Your Lipids | Know Your Cholesterol Levels
Your numbers count and since September is Cholesterol Awareness Month it is a good time to check your numbers and understand what they really mean.
Learn Your Lipids | Know Your Cholesterol Levels
Learn Your Lipids | Know Your Cholesterol Levels
Monday, September 3, 2012

One of the things I look forward to in life is aging gracefully. I look around at older individuals and realize that aging brings with it a wealth of history, knowledge and oh so much humor that can be shared with others. My mother at her youthful age of 85 never seems to amaze me. In order to help ensure the ability to live life to its fullest as we age requires that we invest in keeping our body in the best shape possible along the way. September marks Healthy Aging Awareness Month. Check out Healthy Aging to get lots of helpful tips.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Monday, August 20, 2012
Boomers will be in need of mental health care, report finds
This post is not to alarm those of us who are gracefully moving towards midlife but more to make you aware of what I see as an urgent need for action. There is a growing need for more individauls trained in to care for the aging population for both their physical and their emotional well being.
Boomers will be in need of mental health care, report finds
Boomers will be in need of mental health care, report finds
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Hand Dance: A Capitol Swing
Like First Lady Obama says...we need to keep it moving and that is not only for youth but us old boomers as well...check out a fun and easy way to keep things stepping.
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Saturday, July 28, 2012
App May Help Parents Get Kids to Eat More Vegetables
Getting kids to eat more vegetables can often present a may be found with the new application Kiddio. Check out more about it in news from the USDA Agricultural Research Service...Kiddio
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Consumer Alert: Deadly Cosmetics
Today women, as well as men, use a variety of products to enhance their appearance but did you know that some products contain ingredients which can be harmful to your health. Read about these at Consumer Alert: Deadly Cosmetics
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Fruits & Veggies More Matters
It has been so hot here in the DMV and for me, the first thing that comes to mind to eat is either a bowl of fruit, some veggies or a smoothie. I am often puzzled on how to select and store them. Learn how to at Fruit & Veggies...More Matters
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Thursday, June 28, 2012
First line of protection from the sun - clothing
Often when you think of protection from the rays of the sun you reach for the sunscreen. Although a good sunscreen is very important, the first line of protection is the clothing you wear. Learn more about how clothing can be an effective sun protector. Clothing -
Do Your Homework - Protection from the Rays of the Sun
Here in the DC area we are expecting temperatures to soar to the 100 degree mark this weekend and even as an African American, protection from exposure to the rays of the sun is vital, both against burn and skin cancer. Unfortunately the new label requirements set forth by the FDA for sunscreen manufacturers will not be met until next year so it is up to the consumer to do their homework and learn what sunscreen will provide adequate protection. Visit EWG (Environmental Working Group's) site to make a comparison of your chosen sunscreen. Key also for protection is to use enough sunscreen and apply often when exposed. For protection more is definitely better.
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Eating disorders rise as baby boomers crawl toward menopause

At one time eating disorders were mostly associated with teens and young adult women but today a new group of individuals are struggling with them...BABY BOOMERS. Eating disorders at any age can lead to serious health problems and for some, even death. Read more about this disorder in the baby boomer population to learn more.
Eating disorders rise as baby boomers crawl toward menopause
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Sleep-texting? You’re not dreaming
Getting adequate sleep is important for overall good health. It is known that electronics such as computers should not be a bedroom companion but another hazard especially for teens is the cell phone.
Sleep-texting? You’re not dreaming
Sleep-texting? You’re not dreaming
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Stress, Health and Wellness

Friday, June 15, 2012
FDA Turns Down Corn Refiners Association, Declines Use of “Corn Sugar” For High Fructose Corn Syrup | Highlight HEALTH

FDA Turns Down Corn Refiners Association, Declines Use of “Corn Sugar” For High Fructose Corn Syrup | Highlight HEALTH
Friday, June 1, 2012
“Wheat Flour” Whole Wheat, And Why Does It Matter?
There is much talk about the benefits of whole wheat but do you know why it makes a difference?
Is “Wheat Flour” Whole Wheat, And Why Does It Matter? | Highlight HEALTH
Is “Wheat Flour” Whole Wheat, And Why Does It Matter? | Highlight HEALTH
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Heat danger: 500th child dies in a hot car
Not having been challenged with the task of being the busy mother/father of a small child it is hard for me to really relate to how someone could forget and leave their child in the car but I accept the fact that it can/does happen and believe that it is not that difficult to do under certain circumstances. So I, as I hope those who could not fathom this happening to them, will not sit in judgement but hopefully by calling the attention to this tragic event can give a few things that could help a busy parent avoid something like this happening to them as the temperatures begin to soar. Read about some simple techniques and devices that can help parents remember a child left accidentally in the car or visit the Sisters of Invention website to see how you can join in to be part of the solution.
Thursday, May 24, 2012

Within days the local pools will officially open to signal the beginning of water activities begin. An important consideration should be given to recreational water illness and injury and what can be done to help ensure everyone's safety.
Monday, May 21, 2012
The Incredible Egg
If you are like me, on your refrigerator door is where you put your eggs...not in the carton but in that built in rack or if yours is like my refrigerator there is only a bin so all my eggs are just placed in the bin . To my surprise from my participation in the Daily Challenge I got the 411 (sorry mom you were not right on this one) this is definitely not a safe place for eggs. So here are some safety tips on the incredible egg.
To read more on egg safety visit Egg Storage Chart
- First you want to be sure to always check the expiration date on the side of the cartoon and intend on using all of the eggs by that date.
- If you buy eggs from a market where there may not be a date on them you can hold the egg up to a bright source of light and check for an air bubble at the round part of the egg. A smaller bubble indicates a fresher egg.
- If you have eggs that are questionable about being fresh enough to eat you can do the cold water test. The freshest egg will sink and remain flat, the older the egg the pointed end will begin to tilt upwards, if it float it is time to throw that one out.
To read more on egg safety visit Egg Storage Chart
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Childproof Your Windows

How to Childproof Your Windows
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Friday, April 27, 2012
Saturday Is National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day « CBS DC
Don't dispose of those unused or expired drugs improperly. Find out about how and where you can do it the right way: Saturday Is National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day « CBS DC
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Part of living a healthier lifestyle is being environmental friendly...that means recycling as must as possible...check out these
10 common household items you can reuse – Savings Challenge Quiz - AARP
10 common household items you can reuse – Savings Challenge Quiz - AARP
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Friday, April 20, 2012
Monday, April 16, 2012
Sexual Assault Awareness

April marks Sexual Assault Awareness & Prevention Month! Every 2 minutes someone in the U.S. is sexually assaulted, but you have the power to make a difference. Visit the RAINN website to learn how you can play a part.
Friday, April 6, 2012
How Heavy Is Your Handbag?

As we all begin to think about spring cleaning...perhaps a good place not to overlook is that ton of stuff you carry around everyday. Unless you are planning on going on "Let's Make a Deal" during the yourself and your body a favor...lighten up. Also there may be things lurking on that bag that you may not want what they may be....
How Heavy Is Your Handbag?
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Whooping Cough Epidemic
Yes...this is 2012 and most of us would never think that a nagging cough that seems to be lingering could be "THE WHOOPING COUGH"...but it is very possible. Several states have already declared an epidemic and one would deduct unless measures are taken to contain it, it will continue to spread across the United States.
I fully understand there are those who are definitely opposed to vaccines but when it comes to being able to prevent an outbreak that is potentially fatal to newborns and young choice, although I am not in close contact on a daily basis with the susceptible aged group (infants and young toddlers) I think this is something important enough for me to do my part...get a booster. Hope some of my readers will feel the same way. You can read more about the current outbreak...
Whooping Cough Epidemic
I fully understand there are those who are definitely opposed to vaccines but when it comes to being able to prevent an outbreak that is potentially fatal to newborns and young choice, although I am not in close contact on a daily basis with the susceptible aged group (infants and young toddlers) I think this is something important enough for me to do my part...get a booster. Hope some of my readers will feel the same way. You can read more about the current outbreak...
Whooping Cough Epidemic
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Distracted driving is the cause of senseless fatalities...this month marks National Distracted Driving Awareness Month...if you MUST use a cell phone while exercising the privilege/responsibility of operating a motor vehicle...find a safe place to pull over so that conversation or text does not becomes your last one or end another persons life. Advocate for cell free driving...I do...see how at FocusDriven
Friday, March 30, 2012
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Monday, March 12, 2012
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Dimensions of Wellness

According to SAMHSA wellness means overall well-being. It incorporates the mental, emotional, physical, occupational, intellectual, and spiritual aspects of a person's life. Each aspect of wellness can affect overall quality of life, so it is important to consider all aspects of health. This is especially important for people with mental and substance use disorders because wellness directly relates to the quality and longevity of your life.
Emotional—Coping effectively with life and creating satisfying relationships
Environmental—Good health by occupying pleasant, stimulating environments that support well-being
Financial–Satisfaction with current and future financial situations
Intellectual —Recognizing creative abilities and finding ways to expand knowledge and skills
Occupational—Personal satisfaction and enrichment from one’s work
Physical—Recognizing the need for physical activity, healthy foods and sleep
Social—Developing a sense of connection, belonging, and a well-developed support system
Spiritual—Expanding our sense of purpose and meaning in life
Visit SAMHSA Wellness Effort to learn more!!!
Friday, February 3, 2012
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Daily Glass Of Beet Juice Can Beat High Blood Pressure, Study Shows

I have never been a fan of beets but this article grabbed my attention as something to incorporate into my own healthier living routine.
Daily Glass Of Beet Juice Can Beat High Blood Pressure, Study Shows
Friday, January 20, 2012
Just Pick a Date-To Induce or Not Induce

The birthing process usually occurs naturally but there is a process where labor can be forced to begin artificially through medical intervention. Recently there has been a rise in what is called elective induction for convenience or to accommodate schedules. Before making this choice you might want to read Dr. Linda Burke-Galloway article "5 Questions Every Pregnant Woman Should Ask Before Being Induced" first.
Monday, January 16, 2012
Cervical Cancer Awarness...time to take the pledge

This year, more than 12,000 U.S. women will be diagnosed with cervical cancer. And more than 4,210 will die. Now, Take the Pearl Pledge and help protect yourself and other women from this preventable disease!
Saturday, January 14, 2012
When It Come to Care for Your Loved One A Bargain Is Not The Best Deal

At some point in life, many will be faced with the task of finding in home help to provide care for their loved ones. Though not limited to the aged population, with the advance of medical technology, people are living much longer and middle aged adults are faced with the responsibility of ensuring the adequate care and safety of their aging parents. This present challenges even for those whose parents were wise enough to plan ahead for this need by obtaining a long term care policy in the younger years.
This scenario came knocking at my door recently and my first thought was I would just look to private hire a trained individual to come into our home to provide care. Thankfully before making what could have turned out to be a very unwise decision, I did some research and came across an article,"Hiring Private Duty Home Care Workers: Why Work Through An Agency? which helped to enlighten me on the subject. Of course the main reason families tend to private hire is because of the financial aspect of it; the hourly rates are often lower but along with that they assume a certain liabilities and tax responsibilities. There is also the added risk of abuse and exportation, especially if the person who is being cared for lives in another location distant from their family members.
Although it will take time and effort to contact various home care agencies to find the right help needed for your loved one, in the long run this is the better choice, really the only choice to protect both yourself and your loved one. There are several internet services to assist caregivers navigate throughout this process. Elder Care locator is a good resource that can connect you to a variety of services in your geographical area. My choice turned out to be Chevy Chase Home Care, a minority, woman owned business serving the metropolitan Washington DC area. From my first contact with them their director, Dr. Nataliya Lakiza, showed great care and concern for what my family’s needs were. Their company also works to gain funding for the less fortunate who are not able to pay for in-home care by partnering financial sponsors with families who simply cannot afford the care. They will be hosting several fundraising events for this purpose and Bees Wellness Lounge will definitely share in this effort.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Environmental Birth Defects

The birth of a healthy baby requires the mother to take action long before conception. One thing that can have a huge impact on the outcome is her environment. January is Birth Defect Prevention Month. Smoking during pregnancy has been linked to premature births and miscarriages but it also increases the risk for delivering a baby with a birth defect. Read some of the data Smoking During Pregnancy Increases Risk of Birth Defects in Offspring.
As my associate Dr. Linda Burke Galloway says "a healthy pregnancy doesn't just takes a smart mother to know what to do"...check out her Smart Mother's Guide to a Better Pregnancy.
Sunday, January 8, 2012
GoPillow - Breastfeeding Pillow - Nursing Pillow - Baby Blanket- Toddler...

In an effort to provide a product that would help to change the feelings of uneasiness about breastfeeding and provide comfort for both mother and baby, a young mother, Tangela Walker-Craft came up with the idea of the Go Pillow. I think after you have viewed the video you will not only think this is both a useful and practical product for breastfeeding.
Visit Simply Necessary to make purchase of this great product. Be sure to mention you learned about the pillow at Bees Wellness Lounge.
Mommie...what are those for????

As we move into another week of the month of January, I pondered on what to blog about for Birth Defect Prevention Month and it came to me…breast…more specifically breast feeding. In the United States breast have seemed to have more recognition sexually than for their physiological purpose, which is for nourishment. This attitude has led to the discomfort of many around the issue of breastfeeding, which has many medical and psychological benefits for both mother and baby. I stumbled on an article “Got Milk? Not in Public!” by Jacqueline Wolf, which comments that as far back as the 1960s a woman whose father was an obstetrician responded to her breastfeeding her baby saying “you will ruin your breasts you know”. Now years later, right here in DC, where laws are made everyday, the breastfeeding debate made the news when a mother breastfeeding her baby in a government building (Department of Motor Vehicles) was told she could not do so because it was considered “indecent exposure”.
The uneasiness around breastfeeding will continue unless there is a collective effort to promote its acceptance by the public at large and programs to support this effort. You can read more about the statistics and what is being done to foster change in “Hospital Support for Breastfeeding”.
Check out for some good resource information.
For helpful information to help you with having a healthy pregnancy/baby...check out my colleague Dr. Linda Burke-Galloway's site The Smart Mother's Guide to a Better Pregnancy.
Let’s get some dialogue started on this one…leave a comment on your thoughts.
Friday, January 6, 2012
When Health Begins

January marks Birth Defect Prevention Month and there are many things to consider to ensure a healthy baby. Learn more about When Health Begins and what you can do.
Pose without injury

As I entered into the year of 2012, I found myself desiring to return to the practice of yoga. Yoga is a great choice to add to your wellness plan but there are several important factors to consider to help prevent the injuries that could occur.
Find out more in the article Preventing Yoga Injuries.
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Monday, January 2, 2012
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