One of the reaons our meals are unhealthy is the way in which we prepare our food. I am in a constant battle with my family concerning their use of salt, butter and fat meats to appeal to their conditioned taste buds. I use the word conditioned because if you did a test and went for a month without using table salt and switched to using herbs for seasoning, you would be surprise how your desire for that tast of salt would change. It is what we have been exposed and become accustomed to. You will find that seasoning your food with herbs will give it a more robust taste.
It doesn’t matter if you choose to grow your herbs in your own windowsill or patio garden or purchase them from you local grocery; herbs can transform the blandest of meal into a palate’s delight. It has also been reported that certain herbs have antioxidants that are believe to help protect against certain diseases.
If you are planning on an outside garden, the idea time to begin planting is right after the first frost. Starting the garden with a transplant is a little easier than with seeds and if you are a first time herb gardener you might want to consider this. Use caution in selecting your plants that they are herbs for cooking vs. those intended for ornamental purpose. Speak with the nursery staff for suggestions on a good layout design of your garden. There are certain herbs, mint for an example, which can quickly take over your garden so you want to be sure you allow adequate spacing of your containers. Some great herbs to begin introducing your family to are rosemary, basil, and thyme. There are many good online resources for information to guide you in this process from the planting to in your kitchen pots.
"An herb is the friend of physicians and the praise of cooks." - Charlemagne
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Health: Sleep is Just What the Arteries Need
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Have you, due to a physical ailement used one of these "I have a bad back" or "I have bad knees" so I just can't exercise...that is why I just can get the weight off me. Chair exercising is a way that anyone can get the exercise they need to burn off calories, strengthen their muscles and add tone and definition to their body. You might not believe it but chair exercising also has cardiovascular benefit.
The great thing about chair exercise is you don’t need special equipment to perform the exercises. As you become comfortable with your routine, you can add some light hand held weights, stretch bands or other portable small devices to add more resistance to your routine.
Before you start any new exercise program you want to consult your physician to be sure that your specific health condition do not require you to omit certain exercises for your safety. Now that you have the authorization to go let’s started.
You want to be sure you have a sturdy straight-back chair without arms on it and your favorite upbeat CD to get started. Begin by sitting facing forward with your feet on the floor and begin tapping your toes to the beat of the music. Once you have that marching movement going you want to begin to get your arms working, swinging them back and forth keeping in rhythm with your feet. You can do this for several minutes and then began to swing your arms up and down from side to side over your head, still keeping your feet moving to the beat of the music. You can raise your arms out to the sides and do circles first to the front and then to the back. After that move you might want to so some shoulder shrug rotations to loosen up any tightness in that area. Don’t forget to keep those feet moving, you can do toe taps as a switch from the marching movements. There are so many varieties of moves you can think of that before you know it 30 minutes have passed and you have had a decent workout.
If you want to follow a guided routine there are many different DVD’s on the market. One new one that I came across originated in California and was created by a professional dance/fitness expert named Jodi Stolove. Following an injury to her foot, she needed an alternate way to exercise. She came up with she her Chair Dancing DVD to not only continue her own program but to share it with others. Stolove’s routine includes jumping jacks, the cha-cha, the waltz and more.
There are many more, some include routines for chair yoga or even Thai chi. So the next time you think that you can’t get up to your feet…that’s OK…sit down take your seat and move your way to a healthier lifestyle.
The great thing about chair exercise is you don’t need special equipment to perform the exercises. As you become comfortable with your routine, you can add some light hand held weights, stretch bands or other portable small devices to add more resistance to your routine.
Before you start any new exercise program you want to consult your physician to be sure that your specific health condition do not require you to omit certain exercises for your safety. Now that you have the authorization to go let’s started.
You want to be sure you have a sturdy straight-back chair without arms on it and your favorite upbeat CD to get started. Begin by sitting facing forward with your feet on the floor and begin tapping your toes to the beat of the music. Once you have that marching movement going you want to begin to get your arms working, swinging them back and forth keeping in rhythm with your feet. You can do this for several minutes and then began to swing your arms up and down from side to side over your head, still keeping your feet moving to the beat of the music. You can raise your arms out to the sides and do circles first to the front and then to the back. After that move you might want to so some shoulder shrug rotations to loosen up any tightness in that area. Don’t forget to keep those feet moving, you can do toe taps as a switch from the marching movements. There are so many varieties of moves you can think of that before you know it 30 minutes have passed and you have had a decent workout.
If you want to follow a guided routine there are many different DVD’s on the market. One new one that I came across originated in California and was created by a professional dance/fitness expert named Jodi Stolove. Following an injury to her foot, she needed an alternate way to exercise. She came up with she her Chair Dancing DVD to not only continue her own program but to share it with others. Stolove’s routine includes jumping jacks, the cha-cha, the waltz and more.
There are many more, some include routines for chair yoga or even Thai chi. So the next time you think that you can’t get up to your feet…that’s OK…sit down take your seat and move your way to a healthier lifestyle.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Winter Remedies
Many dollars are spent annually on everything from A (Advil Cold) to Z (Zycam) for relief of symptoms brought on by ailments of the winter months. Not that I am opposed to conventional medicine but for those looking for an option aromatherapy can be a good complementary modality to try.
Conventional medicine is defined as one that employs the use of individuals who hold degrees such as a Medical Doctor, Doctor of Osteopathy or other allied health professionals. Complementary medicine is one that is used in addition to conventional medicine.
Aromatherapy has great benefits in the winter months. Winter essential oils can uplift your mood, freshen your closed home, and bring relief to some of the common problems associated with winter such as congestion, sinus problems and colds.
There are several oils that can be used during the winter months. Some oils useful for the winter months are Lavendar, Black Pepper, Litsea Cubeba, Bergamont, Lemon, Eucalyptus, Orange, Peppermint, and Rosemary. Blends and combination oils are excellent choice to try.
If you are having difficulty breathing and/or an elevated body temperature that does not respond to fever reducers, it is advised that you seek the advice of your primary care physician.
Conventional medicine is defined as one that employs the use of individuals who hold degrees such as a Medical Doctor, Doctor of Osteopathy or other allied health professionals. Complementary medicine is one that is used in addition to conventional medicine.
Aromatherapy has great benefits in the winter months. Winter essential oils can uplift your mood, freshen your closed home, and bring relief to some of the common problems associated with winter such as congestion, sinus problems and colds.
There are several oils that can be used during the winter months. Some oils useful for the winter months are Lavendar, Black Pepper, Litsea Cubeba, Bergamont, Lemon, Eucalyptus, Orange, Peppermint, and Rosemary. Blends and combination oils are excellent choice to try.
If you are having difficulty breathing and/or an elevated body temperature that does not respond to fever reducers, it is advised that you seek the advice of your primary care physician.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Aromatherapy is the therapeutic use of essential oils to heal and/or revitalize the mind, body and spirit. True essential oils are 100% all natural that have been distilled or cold-pressed from plants and flowers. The terminology aromatherapy originated in the 1930's from a French chemist, however the use of essential oils for their healing properties date back centuries ago used by the Chinese, Egyptian, Persian, Indian and Arabic cultures. There is reference to the use of oils dating back to Biblical times. Oils are used in rituals and ceremonies of certain cultures and religions even today.
Aromatherapy has been handed down through the ages and the western world is being reintroduced to the benefits of their use.
The use of oils can bring healing on three levels, the physical, mental, and the spiritual. Research has shown essential oils to be some of the strongest antimicrobial agents; ridding the body of toxins and fighting infection. They are known to be able to affect ones mood and have a calming effect for someone who has difficulty sleeping. Essential oils can be used to clean, replacing some of the harsh toxins we used in our homes today.
Essential oils must be respected for their potential harmful properties as well. Essential oils are very potent and it is recommended that they not be used directly on the skins unless they are identified as safe for undiluted topical use. The two oils that may be applied directly to the skin are lavender and tea tree. Essential oils should NEVER BE INGESTED (taken by mouth). Individuals with chronic illness (diabetes, stroke, hypertension, epilepsy, heart conditions, being treated for cancer, pregnant) seniors, and taking prescription medications should consult their PMD (primary care doctor) and/or pharmacist before beginning the use of aromatherapy. Oils should be diluted as recommended for their use. Always do a patch test on the skin to ensure there is no allergic reaction to the oil. Remember the flammable nature of oils and use cautiously near open flames.
The use of essential oils is not intended to cure disease or be a substitute for regular healthcare provided by a licensed Medical Doctor.
If you are interested in a mixing seminar contact me at Be sure to include in your subject line "aromatherapy mixing seminar request".
Aromatherapy has been handed down through the ages and the western world is being reintroduced to the benefits of their use.
The use of oils can bring healing on three levels, the physical, mental, and the spiritual. Research has shown essential oils to be some of the strongest antimicrobial agents; ridding the body of toxins and fighting infection. They are known to be able to affect ones mood and have a calming effect for someone who has difficulty sleeping. Essential oils can be used to clean, replacing some of the harsh toxins we used in our homes today.
Essential oils must be respected for their potential harmful properties as well. Essential oils are very potent and it is recommended that they not be used directly on the skins unless they are identified as safe for undiluted topical use. The two oils that may be applied directly to the skin are lavender and tea tree. Essential oils should NEVER BE INGESTED (taken by mouth). Individuals with chronic illness (diabetes, stroke, hypertension, epilepsy, heart conditions, being treated for cancer, pregnant) seniors, and taking prescription medications should consult their PMD (primary care doctor) and/or pharmacist before beginning the use of aromatherapy. Oils should be diluted as recommended for their use. Always do a patch test on the skin to ensure there is no allergic reaction to the oil. Remember the flammable nature of oils and use cautiously near open flames.
The use of essential oils is not intended to cure disease or be a substitute for regular healthcare provided by a licensed Medical Doctor.
If you are interested in a mixing seminar contact me at Be sure to include in your subject line "aromatherapy mixing seminar request".

Natural Wellness Therapy is a sound therapy program merging the science of music therapy with the benefits of meditation in a revolutionary new vibrational medicine technology that enables anyone to quickly and easily achieve levels of relaxation and deep meditation - without the years of practice that is normally required.The soothing symphony of vibrational sound therapy quickly and efficiently guides the brain wave patterns from relaxing alpha frequencies, to deeply meditative theta and delta states, within minutes.Natural Wellness Therapy utilizes simple, safe audio frequencies delivered through stereo headphones, which cause a synchronization effect between the left and right hemispheres of your brain. This effect, known as whole brain functioning, occurs naturally during the meditative state, and is associated with feelings of overall physical and mental wellness.
•Stress Relief
•Respiratory rate decrease
•Better sleep states
•Heart rate decreases
•Serotonin, which influences mood and behavior, production
•Lower levels of blood lactate which reduces anxiety attacks
•Decrease muscle tension and headaches
•Immune system enhanced
•Energy increases
•Memory improves
Daily our bodies and minds are subjected to stress. The inability to control or eliminate excessive stress is having an adverse effect on our health. More and more people are experiencing sleep disturbances and have minimal periods or restful relaxation. Natural Wellness Therapy’s vibrational sounds gently guide the brainwave patterns to levels of deep, restful relaxation. It does not use any subliminal messages and has no negative side effects. Email me for more info
Peace & blessings
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